John’s Gospel is mythopoeic literature. A true story, but a very well crafted one that invites us to see new things each time we visit. It can transform us as we think through the implications of the story. For example, the stories of the woman at the well and the long conversation in the upper room are familiar to many readers and each have valuable things to say on their own; but when reflected against each other, we see new facets of the light - a wider spectrum. That brighter range of light can be useful to us in dark places.
The place where Jesus meets the Samaritan woman is an important setting. Her own story has so much to offer, but remember the place, the well itself, has its own story. It represents the establishment of God’s people. It is land Jacob gave to his son Joseph. It is the mountain where Joshua made the famous, “Choose this day whom you will serve” speech. It’s a deeply symbolic place where God fulfilled promises to his people and his people renewed their promises to him. A new stone monument was raised there near an important tree - so nature itself has a role to play in these stories. It is a place of worship. The upper room becomes a kind of well too, a place where Jesus discusses how to draw life giving wine from the vine. By placing these two scenes in reflection, John paints Jesus, himself, as the new place to worship, the place where Heaven and Earth meet.
I intentionally limit myself to seven lines for the entire Upper Room discourse, because I only want to invite you to go read the actual story. A long, quiet reflection on John 13-17 will reward every minute you spend - might just be the new place of rest we need.
Jacobs’ Well Revisited
John 4:1-30 | Water Wing 7
I come to the well thirsty again.
This mountain will hear my promises again.
But promises are hard to keep.
All the digging,
dragging desire
is never quenched.
I would trade all my dry religion
for one wet taste of life.
Where is that bubbling Spring?
The Rock and the Tree know.
Say the word
And I will be well.
The New Place
John 13-17 | Fire Wing 7
And now, my hour has come.
This is where heat needs to run.
I wash all who are mine.
I will press out new wine.
Abide, deep in Love’s Spring.
Ask, I will bring your peace.
And now, we will all be one.