John opens his book with the Word coming into the world. He ends his book with an admission he has carefully chosen these specific episodes for a reason. He wants us to be “in” the Story. He sighs, “the world itself could not contain” all the words that could be written about the Word. He implies this story is still unfolding and invites us to take part. John holds up his closing look at books and words as a mirror to his opening look at the Word being present in Genesis. Both edges of his book touch the Cosmos.
Without Him Was Not Any Thing
John 1:1-18 | Water Wing 1
So bright this word,
shape with no shadow,
touching with no taking.
Wide-eyed light, seen and seeing.
Maker inside his own making.
Overflow we can hold.
Life to be heard.
An Author’s Plea
John 21:24-25 | John 20: 30-31 | Fire Wing 1
I can’t write it all down
just come and see.
The Word won’t fit
into one simple plea.
The world is full and spilling over.
There is light now
and room to breath.
Come and heal the hurt,
come and hear the rhyme,
taste this bread,
drink this wine.
Stand still, let the Spirit hover.
Fingers in the dirt
will open your eyes.
See who turns to listen,
see who finds a feast,
morning is now warming,
river now runs free.
Watch, and you will find your lover.
All this is written
so you might believe.