In the first set of ‘signs,’ John tells of the official’s son healed long distance, and the paralyzed man healed while sitting by a pool of water. (There’s a lot of water imagery in both stories). One character seeks Jesus, and Jesus finds the other, but they both are willing to trade their notions of propriety for trust. After these healings, Jesus has an interesting conversation about his authority to supply life and things that might keep people from recognizing the opportunity - namely, the blindness we choose in order to protect our own legacy. The choice between having one’s name written in the earth or written in Christ is presented in many places in John but will come to an even sharper point in upcoming stories. Jesus states here, “a time is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice” which is exactly what happens when Lazarus, in the mirrored passage, rises from the dead. By the end of the Lazarus story, Jesus is preparing for his own burial. Trading places with Jesus is a vivid reflection between all these scenes.
Signs of Life
John 4:26-5 | Water Wing 9
Carving oneself into memory is crawling
toward water that will never stir.
What well-groomed epitaph ever held healing?
Engraved in stone, statues can’t run.
Wake, rise up, abandon your grave, on living legs
cross open fields, calling for life by name.
Trade the vain glory never beheld and be held.
A Good Cry
John 11:1-54 | Fire Wing 9
Hard stone won’t hold
the ones I call free.
Join the day. Be warm,
live again. Yes, feel the tear’s sting,
but watch the new blood flow.
Trade your grave clothes with me.
Rise, and find your form.
Map of chiasm in John - highlighting the first 'signs' group.